my dear friend cathy contacted me today with stunning news! her father has been asked to accept the half of this year’s nobel peace prize belonging to the ipcc (intergovernmental panel on climate change) which they will share with al gore. holy moley! i'm absolutely gobsmacked. how many times could a person say they know someone whose dad accepted a nobel peace prize? how many times could a person say their dad accepted the nobel peace prize? way to go jim bruce.
jim bruce?
right here ladies and gentlemen!
James P. (Jim) Bruce, OC, FRSC
Senior Associate, Global Change Strategies International Inc, Ottawa, ON
Jim Bruce's career has been in meteorology climatology, water resources, disaster mitigation and science management. He was the first Director of the Canada Centre for Inland Waters, Burlington and subsequently Director General and Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) responsible for national water programs. These included programs of hydrometric monitoring, river basin planning, flood damage reduction and water quality monitoring. In the 1980s, he was ADM Atmospheric Environment Service, and subsequently Director of Technical Cooperation and Acting Deputy Secretary General, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva. This involved oversight of international programs on weather, climate, water, and atmospheric composition. In the 1990s, and to date he has served as consultant on many projects relating to climate change, water, and disaster mitigation most recently as Senior Associate, Global Change Strategies International. For the Canadian Climate Change Action Fund he led a study of potential climate change impacts on water resources in Canada and is currently involved in a project on probable climate change effects on boundary and transboundary waters. Recent awards include the IMO Prize of the World Meteorological Organization for "exceptional world-wide contributions in meteorology and hydrology," Officer of the Order of Canada and Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He has received Honorary Doctorates from University of Waterloo (DES) and McMaster University (DSc).
canadian boy folks - yep.
oh, and that bit above cover’s the working part of his life. there's more!
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