Friday, April 25, 2014

an early morning ride

riding through beavermead park in peterborough, ontario with the early morning chill of a breeze blowing from the northwest and pushing me ever so gently along, i was surprised to see how far inland the river had progressed, crossing the bike path in a couple of places . . . no matter, i rode through it and took the opportunity to take pictures of trees standing in an unfamiliar-to-them setting . . .


Jinksy said...

I'd love a print of that top photo to hang on my wall. the colour and texture is outstanding. :-)

Linda Sue said...

LOVE both photos SO MUCH!

steven said...

i was riding to school and wished in a small way that i could make more of my time there in the park. it's beautiful with nature reclaiming it in a watery sort of way . . . thankyou linda sue and jinksy for your kind words . . .