i took my class to spend a day visiting a building using geothermal energy, solar energy, with closed grey water processing, walls stuffed with straw, denim, and beautiful to be inside and outside.
one wall was given over to a simple beauty . . . light passing through glass . . . .
Season's Greetings
8 hours ago
Amazing! Not only environmentally good but so lovely to look at! Thanks for sharing.
What a fun field trip!! I take my students to some crazy pagan lady's house in the forest to make art with sticks and leaves and eat some horribly good for them stew... maybe I should find a nice geothermally heated building next year!
hi hope!!! it's really pretty to look at - especially so in person . . . the light changes constantly of course and it's an internal wall so the different bottles catch the light at different times and to different degrees . . . .steven
valerianna - i teach grade 5 and 6 people so they are just learning about the possibilities of - well everything! this was about alternatives to houses made of ticky tacky which they will probably aspire to and maybe, just maybe one or two of them will remember this building and make a different choice!!! the floors were warm too!!! my kids learned about andy goldsworthy's work this day and made beautiful earth pieces and dyed string with berries and vegetables . . . mmmmmmmm!!! steven
I love bottle walls. I want to make a bottle wall or a bottle house!
I love it! At my age I doubt I'll ever get a place like that, but I can dream - & look at pictures :)
It is fantastic to see the ordinary used in an extraordinary way ... and inspiration for your class!
ellen - i love bottle walls and bottle houses . . . the way the light comes through the glass - softened and glowing . . . i could imagine walls of colour and light and then also the shafts of coloured light through the house . . . steven
hi bug!!! hmmmmm . . . . "at my age" . . . i bet . . . that you could make a little space . . . a small wall . . . somewhere . . . just for you . . . and the best part is that you could drink the bottle's contents as you go!!! steven
aguja - you so get the piece of simple inspirations . . . steven
Steven, we have a bottle house in a little Finnish settlement up north in Michigan called Kaleva. I think of the painstaking effort to create something so beautiful out of found objects, simply for the pleasure of looking. These are the lessons your students will remember forever, and some of them will one day soon find a path as electric as light through a green bottle!
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