i hold willow in high regard.
so when she recently created a blog
that would allow for people
to "write"
you know . . .
like "writers" . . .
then i didn't think twice
and took her up on her generous offer.
i haven't deliberately "written"
for a very long time.
thankyou willow!

my eyes follow
their deliberate arcs
and sinuous arabesques -
an echo of a lexicon known to all
who have walked their fingers
along the length
and breadth
of a woman’s body.
thankyou nanu!!! steven
Sexy, Steven. You'd better warn Willow what's on her way! She may want to wear a flame retardant suit and have a pair of tongs handle to handle this one.
An outstanding contribution, Steven.
Wow, enchanting visions come to my mind.
Interesting eroticized approach, congratulations.
I went the humor route. Check it out.
The highest of accolades: not only magnificent, but tres sexy as well!
Hot! . . . on this cold winter day.
Beautiful and sensual, Steven. The pewter does have wonderfully feminine lines! I'm looking forward to more of your writing, dear friend. x
Sensuous little pitcher! Next lifetime I want to come back as a little pewter pitcher. Or as a thought in your head that gets written down more exquisitely than warranted. Yes, that is what I want to come back as...unless, of course, you come back as a monkey, then I will have to re think my wish. Really nice, Steven, writerly writing. I will never look upon a little pewter picher in the same mundane, utililtarian way as I have done before reading your post.
Yeow! I like it.
Wonderful image.
Yes, you are right about the sensuality of the shapes.
This meme is rather fun isn't it?
Wonderful! Love your interpretation.
Wow - really nice! More please!
You have such a way with words, steven.
Willow is amazing. I am proud to call her a blog friend.
You, too, of course. And - aren't you already a conscious writer? I think you are, yes? I say yes.
Fantastic especially the second stanza which gave this lady proper goosebumps.
Sweetly told and loving caress of that grand lady.
what a most unique and wonderful take on the theme. must go home now...smiles.
hey barry - i was really not so sure about releasing this one on the unsuspecting golden fish people because this is such an asexual blog but then you know what - hey ...,. here i am!!! i hope willow was ready. steven
golden west thankyou very much. i think willow wanted a story but the story is not what i know and i do know little moments and phrases so here 'tis. steven
qmmm i've missed you so welcome back!!! i'm glad that this enchanted you. steven
hey berowne thanks for dropping in and leaving such a kind comment. steven
dave thankyou. you're a writer i admire. truly i admire your writing! that lands as much more than a comment. steven
vicki - so many people are cold and chilly these days and a little hot soup or thoughts is a good tonic to see you through the cold wintry months!!! steven
willow thanks for the prompt and thanks also for the lovely comment. i was a bit scared to write this and share this but really it's a part of me so here 'tis. steven
Loverly, JT
dan - it's out of the goldne fish box but it's me and there so here we go - another door opens in the unpacking of steven!!!! steven
thankyou spacedlaw. steven
elizabeth - i let my mind wander and embrace the fun potential of the meme. steven
suzanne thankyou. i visited your blog and i am really impressed. you are a talented artist and photographer. steven
hey bug!!! i haven't seen you for ages!!! i'm glad you liked this and i can't promise anything but you're welcome for this and we'll see where this one leads in the future. steven
weaver thankyou. i learned from people like you - my fellow bloggers - about words and pictures and risk taking and stepping out. steven
reya- i really appreciate my dear willow friend who has inspired me, showed me the bloggy way and more!!! writing? well i always wanted to be a writer but perhaps my sense of conscious writing was different and now here i am muddling through and trying to share some ideas and moments and beliefs and confusions and even some memories and maybe this is it!! is it? steven
Well done, Steven.
Absolutely stunning.
A terrific piece, Steven! All that just looking at a creamer!
I participated, but a bit late...just found out about Willow's fun tonight, but looking forward to it next time.
hi ronda! i'm really glad you enjoyed the words for what they are!! steven
hello patty f!!! thankyou for that extravagant remark!!! steven
abe thanks a lot!!! steven
bonnie i'm glad you enjoyed it!!! steven
hello evening light - thanks for visiting. special thanks for getting the poem!!! steven
hello jen, i'm glad that you could drop by on your wanderings. i'll be doing my wandering next weekend when i have more time!!! steven
linda sue you make me laugh so hard sometimes!!!! my friends have been encouraging me to think less but if i become a repository for thoughts that contain people - well i might be certifiable (which could be fun in its own way and then again maybe wishing for something that my heart's not in could be a bad karmic choice!) have a great evening and morning time. steven
hey rick - it's as much what you want to see as a anything!!!! fun. thanks for dropping by. steven
a very sensual poem. I enjoyed it. just making the magpie rounds.
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