i managed to catch up to her a few minutes later and still feeling the shaky jelly leg feeling brought on by a near death encounter with all the adrenalin smashing and roaring through my system i tapped on her window. she rolled it down at which point i asked her if she realized that i had been centimetres from the side of her car and she replied with real concern in her eyes that she hadn't even seen me. but you know what was different about this situation as opposed to countless others? she apologized right then and there and i knew from her eyes and her tone that she meant it. so i thanked her on behalf of my children.
what's truly worrisome is that if i had been a car, she, myself, and the little child in her backseat would almost certainly have been dead or badly messed up. but i live. so i blog onwards!!!
hey snow fell today for the first time since the wintertime whch ended just a handful of months ago! the snow didn't stay on the ground, in fact if you didn't see it falling, you'd never know it happened. but my class knew - right in the middle of a lesson - so we booked it over to the astonishingly huge and wondrous windows in my class and listened to each other gasp and laugh at something we've seen a bazilion times before but which still amazes and excites this fifty-one year old man who can still recall the very first time he saw (or remembers he saw) snow falling. i was in mrs. perry's second form at st. george's school in altrincham. i looked out the window just as some hardy and extremely brave classmate called out the very sight i had just registered with my own peepers. snow!!!! i was seven. i am sure that i saw snow before that but that's the time i register as having really really seen it and been excited.
i thought it might be timely to walk around the outside of my house - "beating the bounds" is what it's called in england -
to the eastern sky -
the sky to the north -
looking across my neighbour's homes towards the west -
the sky southwards . . .
Jiminy Christmas, Steven! I can't believe your near very bad accident experience. That's the third one that I personally know about in the last week. They say that things travel in 3's. Let's hope so, anyway. At least it wasn't a blue-haired lol driving a Buick!
I'm a cloud person, too. When I was a kid, I used to like to lie on my back on the ground under a tree and watch the clouds moving across the sky, picking out shapes of animals or even people.
there's nothing like seeing the door start to shut to make you appreciate what's important eh goldenrod!!! i love clouds . . . i have tried looking at them for the shapes and that's a lovely game for a summer's day with nothing on your mind and nothing really pressing that needs to be done. my real love is in watching them change and melt and most especially their colours and shades. when i take a picture, i play with it through all manner of treatments on my computer to see what it might look like if it was all blue or all yellow and then i send it back to its original colour and put it on the blog.
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