yesterday morning i got to experience one of the more awesome moments of my teaching career. one of my grade two girls brought me a bouquet of flowers to brighten my morning!
she used some of her birthday money to do this.
how can i even begin to express my gratitude to this generous and kind person?! thanks from the bottom of my heart savannah . . .
late summer and early autumn spider webs are things of beauty. i love when a spider steps outside of their genetic predispositions and creates something entirely expressive of their own uniqueness . . . .
i saw a leaf clinging to a tiny precipice before being carried over the edge of the little waterfall and into the pond below . . . so i stopped to take this picture, and while i was there, i got to share time with a man who was on his one day off from work. . . he was born in sioux narrows and calls peterborough his home now . . . he showed me where the frogs live and hide in this little pond i pass each day . . . he said "when you come from the woods, you see everything" . . . . .